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Nick Cooper

Senior Broker

Almost 20 years in the market and over a quarter billion in real estate transactions.

Nick is known for his integrity, negotiating skills, concise strategy, inventive marketing, knowledge of the market and incredible client service.

Having lived in both Marin and San Francisco for many years, Nick has an intimate knowledge of the neighborhoods and homes. With this knowledge, Nick is able to provide valuable insight as clients determine the location and type of home best suiting their lifestyle needs and desires.

During his career, Nick has been able to create a vast network of relationships with many agents in the market. With access to this network, Nick is able to provide clients invaluable market intel not available to the general public.

Commitment to philanthropy is at the core of Nick’s career. As the founder of social enterprise Home For A Home, Nick donates a considerable portion of his earnings to fund the construction of homes for those in need in Guatemala.

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